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  6. Q&A of Conference for the Progress of Medium Term Management Plan in 2010

Q&A of Conference for the Progress of Medium Term Management Plan in 2010

The following includes questions and answers at the Conference for the Progress of Medium Term Management Plan on May 11, 2010.

Q:Can you expand on the progress of the Medium Term Management Plan?

The second half of the year ended March 2010 saw an operating surplus achieved as a result of drastic reforms to both business and profit structures, reviews of costs throughout the entire business group, as well as various policies implemented to lower the profit and loss point. The points raised within the Medium Term Management Plan announced in May 2009 and targeted numerical management indices have been progressing smoothly, with policies implemented to place the company back on a path of continued growth by the year ended March 2012, deemed a success. A new Medium Term Management Plan is scheduled to be announced in June 2010 by the new management team.