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  6. Q&A of Conference for the Progress of Medium Term Management Plan in 2009

Q&A of Conference for the Progress of Medium Term Management Plan in 2009

The following includes questions and answers at the Conference for the Progress of Medium Term Management Plan on May 13, 2009.

Q:Can you expand on the progress of the Medium Term Management Plan?

Since its announcement in March 2006, we have achieved increases for both sales and profits on an annual basis and exceeded the profit target values that fixed for the following year. However, since last fall, there has been an abrupt change in the business climate and exchange rates, which has led to extremely harsh business conditions. We recognize the fact that Nikon is now required to overcome this severe business environment and swiftly get the Company back on track for growth, and we have revised the policy and targets in the Medium Term Management Plan. In the year ending March 2010, Nikon plans to reform both its business and profit structures as well as lower its profit and loss point. Nikon aims to restore profitability in the year ending March 2011, and sets the Company back on a path that can support continuous growth in the year ending March 2012.