Hit a great shot using laser technology

Lasers are used in a wide range of fields, from medical care and communications to manufacturing and processing. Lasers are also used in DVD/Blu-ray devices and for light shows used to illuminate the night sky.
The theoretical foundation for lasers, one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century, was laid by Einstein who claimed that light consisted of particles of energy.

While natural light and light from electric light bulbs gets diffused in all directions, light from a laser is concentrated in a beam, with all the particles of energy traveling in the same direction, with the same phase and wave length, and so they do not get diffused even over long distances.
Did you know that there is an excellent device for golfers which utilizes these characteristics of laser beams?

No two golf courses are the same.
When you are trying to master a course it is extremely important to measure distances correctly and make a considered decision according to the conditions you face such as the wind, grass, and slopes of the course.
More and more golfers rely on Nikon's laser rangefinders, which instantly measure distances with precision by casting their beams on target objects such as the flagstick and trees.
Know the distance to your target and make the best shot!
Nikon's optical technology can help you in remarkable ways.
Using laser beams to measure target distances
Laser RangefindersNikon Laser Rangefinders special site
Golfer’s Laser Rangefinders