Nikon Code of Conduct and Nikon Rules of Action
To ensure that each and every person working in the Nikon Group acts in accordance with compliance across the wide range of aspects of business operations, Nikon is circulating and promoting the ideas contained in its "Code of Conduct" and "Rules of Action."
Nikon Code of Conduct
Standards for appropriate behavior as a member of society and a member of the Nikon Group
Educational booklet distributed in Japan
The "Nikon Code of Conduct" sets the standards of behavior to ensure that each and every individual at Nikon can make proper judgments and act ethically and in accordance with Nikon's rules and with laws and regulations, reflecting an awareness of compliance in his or her regular business activities.
Since its establishment in 2001, the "Nikon code of Conduct" has been revised several times to respond with flexibility to the changing time.
In 2011, the "Nikon Code of Conduct" was unified to strengthen the internal control of the Nikon Group and to share a common awareness of the code of conduct on a global scale. The unified code of conduct is used throughout the entire Nikon Group, both in Japan and in overseas countries.
Group-wide Dissemination of the Revised Nikon Code of Conduct
In April 2011, the Nikon Group made revisions to the Nikon Code of Conduct to make it applicable to Group companies in Japan and overseas in order to strengthen internal control across the entire Group. The revised code places emphasis on a more international CSR perspective, and organizes individual categories, such as human rights, CSR-oriented procurement and anti-corruption, more succinctly. At overseas companies, categories are added or changed as necessary according to local laws and circumstances.
With an aim of sharing a global awareness, during the year ended March 31, 2012, we worked to familiarize employees across the entire group with the revised Code of Conduct, and we completed education sessions at 51 Nikon Group companies. Education sessions were delayed at 11 companies in Europe as a result of work to confirm local laws etc., but are scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2012. Education activities were conducted at Group companies, both in Japan and overseas, with compliance facilitators selecting the tools most relevant to their workplace from a set of education tools prepared by the Compliance Section. At Nikon Group companies in Japan, most workplaces conduct group educational events, promoting activities while fostering communication within the workplace. Meanwhile, at overseas Group companies, although there is some variation in the activities undertaken, they are continuing to inform their employees about the Code of Conduct. In cooperation with compliance facilitators, we will continue to raise awareness for the importance of compliance.
Nikon Rules of Action
How to act in specific situations - Self-checking for making correct judgments
Based on the "Nikon Code of Conduct," Nikon has established the "Nikon Rules of Action" for use by employees in self-checking when they feel uncertain in making judgments concerning words or behavior involved in the course of business. These Rules of Action are intended to promote appropriate behavior from a compliance perspective.